District DofE silver practice

Our unit joined with others from Tadcaster & Sherburn in Elmet (part of Wetherby district) to form a DofE silver practice expedition to allow those who hadn’t had chance earlier in the year to work (and walk) towards their silver award. Ellen took part from our unit.

DofE expeditions

After what seemed like an age of organising, to try fit in with current DofE, Scout association and government Covid-19 rules, our 2 teams completed their DofE bronze qualifying and silver practice expeditions this weekend.

In spite of some weather beaten faces and sore feet, both teams made it from Addingham (bronze) or Silsden (silver) to the overnight point at Sconce campsite in Baildon (camping in tents in their own back gardens to meet current regulations), and then on via Otley Chevin to Bramhope campsite to finish.

Here’s a selection of photos of the 2 hikes.